What to put here...🤔
I created Community Driven Group because I saw the power in solving things as a team, saw that those in power were fighting change for a better and more just future, and that there were many rising to change that in their own way but often they were doing it alone or with a few allies. Not only there but over my years of working in education, activism, and as an entrepreneur I continued to see many ways we could be there for eachother, make it easier for people to get involved in positive social impact, and give those working allready for causes more tools, attention, and celebration.
Here in 2023 we are setting out to help map out the communities in play here in Colorado, create content and resources that are inspiring or helpful to those communities, and create a foundation so that leaders doing this work can be supported full time for their efforts!
With Inspiration, Braeden Miguel
PS; I'm a huge music fan for many reasons and also love to dance. I plan to do more in nature this year and taking time off and for health. I love adventure, new restauraunts(food in general), getting to meet new people, and warmth so get back here longer days!!
Braeden Miguel
Chief Creative Cartographer