Business Case
Community Driven Group from the get go was built with transparency in mind. From our goals, to the content, and to the business model and structure. We want to showcase our designs and model for positive impact because we think that it stands up as being stronger the more people are able to get involved, know about it, and can get invested into it.
Many aspects of our system are undergoing transformation and at same time the newer generations who grew up with technology are now finding themselves as the largest generation. As a company with values rooted in smart proactive change and justice we want to lean into that change to help our local communities, our state, and eventually the country and world navigate towards a brighter future.
The details below are for those interested in our current ongoing investment round or generally curious on how we aim to build our business model to have the impact we want to have.

Community Presence, Content, and Events Generate Local Goodwill
An organization is built on its connections, relationships, and goodwill of their audience, customers, and community!
By being a solution focused organization that discusses and lifts up bright leaders and ideas for change we can create a trusted and positive name for ourselves!
Building on top of that through events, educational content, new products, collaboration, consulting, and media we create a wide foundation for our future growth and success!
Invest In People, Education, And Innovation
In our 2024 Financial Overview we have a number of products we want to support the development of through investing in expertise and innovations of leaders!
Projects on our 2024 roadmap include educational courses(Intro To Activism, Wellness in the Modern Day), interactive media content(Live Streams and Policy Contests), and innovative products(Card Game Around Policy).
Developing these products not only help give us different sources of revenue but also create a marketing and name for ourselves as an innovative leader in positive change.

We are also proud to have a Work And Help Own Program where leaders and volunteers can earn equity through applying their time, skills, and interests!

2024 Finance Outline:
As we get going we may not be able to get large sponsors but we can look to our community to help us spread the word and to invest in our launch! See our 2024 Budget Finance Outline!
Brand Growth and Reach Attracts Sponsorships
As our content and events begin to reach people consistently, in the hundreds, to the thousands, we will be able to partner with groups and businesses with good intentions and shared values. Our initial focus being Colorado we think partnerships with local business and organizations will become possible even in early stages of growth!
By the Numbers
​Streaming, content creation, and podcasts have become large industries in record time. It has allowed individuals and small groups of people to have more reach and build community around many types of things. Some content creators are getting more views than prime time tv and donation streams are some of the most watched yearly events, bringing together millions of dollars with their voices and influence.
It is hard to calculate when exactly you will have those breakthrough moments; when a video breaks through your past record by 10 or 100 times. When a course is picked up by an organization or in a city. When an event fundraiser or partnership takes off and is covered by other groups.
What we can see though is that there is a formula to it and if you are putting energy into bringing value to an audience than it is a matter of skill, message fit, and timing. I have been listening for a long time and what people want is for things to be less stressful, less divisive, and the system to make more sense.
We have a number of ideas to get into the nuances from there and bring people centered innovation forward but this is how we start. We do it in a regenerative, just, transparent, AND profitable way. Consider investing in CDG now to get a percentage of future dividends and growth!

Market Research:
A comparison we will start by looking at is, Wine About It. Wine About It is a 2 person podcast around humor, animal conservation, getting by as content creators, and wine.
The channel has 113k subscribers, 5800 people donating 5$ a month or more for extra content, and has grown 10x in ten months with weekly videos now getting 100-300 thousand views a month. Essentially two funny lasses and some editors with time in the industry, putting together things being themselves, with a friend, and now just one of their shows brings in over $40,000 a month directly to them - which they can use to work and employ more positive impact where they can.
There are definitely some large players in online positive impact and news; you have Hasan Piker, Mr. Beast, Philip Defranco. While mirroring the strategies and advice of others doing well we can find our place in the conversation and landscape.